I figured it's about time that I jumped on this whole Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday (what a mouthful... am I missing one for Sunday?) business and have some sort of shop update and sale. I'm thinking Cyber Monday is the more appropriate day since it is an online shop (plus, it gives me some more time to squeeze out one or two more items). It won't be much, but a little is better than nothing. I have two Lit'le Cthulhu cast away ornaments that will definitely be posted (with a one day price of $20 instead of $25). I am working on a cloth doll pattern and my goal is to have one or two of those finished by Monday for the update (but no promises).
I will post a shop update notification reminder over the weekend.
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Both sprouting tuber mimic sisters are finished. I am very fond of them. I find they have an element of romance; which perhaps stems from my wedding anniversary earlier this month. Anyway, more pictures and notification of when they will be listed for sale will be posted no later than this weekend.
It has taken longer to provide a work in progress update than I had intended (big surprise). I have been approaching work rather leisurely this past month and devoting the majority of my time to my little one. I have some one of a kind pieces in the process of being sculpted, but they are not at a visually interesting stage worthy of photographing just yet. Two sprouting tuber mimics, on the other hand, are nearly finished. Clothing and wigs have been worked on today and should be completed by this weekend. I was only able to snap one decent picture of them without a tiny human hand thrust into the shot.More to come in the next few days.
Oh! Before I forget to mention it (again), the pieces Primeval Threadbare and Humi are currently on display at the Return to the Wild show at the Auguste Clown Gallery. They are available for purchase through the gallery with international shipping. I should note that their prices are listed in AUD and not USD. |
April 2018